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  • Pisces
Weekly Horoscope

April 14 - April 20


You should feel so fortunate to be surrounded by amazing people who inspire you. Use this opportunity to feed off of their energy to strive to be a better version of yourself. Be careful to not get too overwhelmed though, as it will be counterproductive. There is no ultimate deadline to fulfill these aspirations.


You are getting mixed messages which is making it hard for you to act with confidence. By nature, you like having a clear set of goals and guidelines to feel productive. Take a step back and take an unbiased look at what the ultimate goal is. Be responsible for your work and find a path that suits all parties involved.


You tend to be open with those that you are close to but it's causing you emotional pain this week. It's hard to determine if this is in your head or if there is an issue. Instead of waiting for an argument to ensue, talk about what's bothering you. It may be nothing at all - but it is important to feel heard in times like these.


You may have a hard time grasping the flow of your thoughts this week. If you're feeling emotionally exhausted by the events of last week, stay calm and reflect on what happened. You've already said what's on your mind - staying calm and collected will play in your favor. Forgiveness is key but don't forget about these behaviors in the future.


Confidence and courage have always been your strong points. Use these qualities to make important decisions in business and personal life. You will have new opportunities come up in the next months. Make important financial decisions with clarity and emotional stability. Any new endeavors will have successful outcomes this week.


You have an extremely analytical take on the world, use this towards business but not in your personal life. Don't try to compete with others, you are good in your field and don't need to focus on their endeavors. In love you tend to give more than you receive and that frustrates you at times. Speak to your partner or significant other and express how you are feeling to clear any problems you've had in the last few weeks.


This week will help you see the brightness of your future. Although some of the things in your outlook are unfamiliar, everything seems to lead to a positive outcome. Be careful that you have all your bases covered and you're not lost in the excitement of it all. Slow down, be thorough and vigilant, but enjoy all the positive scenery along the way.


Sometimes you have such conviction in your thoughts you refuse to listen to others' opinions. Try harder to listen more than you speak and give people a chance to voice their ideas. You are intelligent and quick-witted but it is ok to ask for help sometimes. If you are struggling confide in close friends or family and absorb their advice.


You are strong-minded, carefree and hard to control which might frustrate your friends and partners. Practice showing more empathy to those who can't keep up or might not have the same skills as you. You approach love with a carefree and spontaneous attitude. This will help you keep your relationships exciting and fun.


Your creative energy is bright this week. Allow this to approach your work and personal life differently. Use this new attitude to inspire others and help them see a different perspective. You will be appreciated for helping lift spirits and will ultimately empower others productivity.


You may be visited by some unpleasant memories this week and you can't get these out of your head. Address that these things happened and don't let it affect the way you approach your week. Count your blessings and look towards what's to come. Your future is bright and there isn't room for the hurtful parts of your past.


Your to-do list is so overwhelming right now and you'd rather be social with your friends to avoid the work at hand. Take a mental health day to regroup your thoughts. Confide in your closest friends with issues that are bothering you. It's important to keep an open mind and take care of yourself first and foremost.